Dr Sarah H Wakelin


Dr Sarah Wakelin

Consultant Dermatologist

General Enquiries    Nabeelah Laher

020 3031 9966


| Patient Registration

New patients will be required to register with the hospital or clinic where their consultation takes place prior to seeing Dr Wakelin.  

Arrive Early

Please come to the clinic at least 10 minutes before your appointment so that you can complete the clinic's registration forms. This ensures that all the time allocated to your appointment is spent with Dr Wakelin.   

Please bring all relevant information including your

GP details

Letter of referral

Insurance details with membership number and

pre-authorisation code. 

Payment Details

All patients are asked to provide details of a credit or debit card so the hospital can ensure payment of their charges. The hospital or clinic will issue invoices for diagnostic tests (blood tests, etc) and the use of surgical equipment / facilities.

New Consultation

A ‘New Consultation’ denotes a consultation for all new patients who have not seen Dr Wakelin previously and for patients who have been seen previously but have a new skin complaint. This is the definition which will usually be accepted by medical insurance companies.  

Follow Up Consultation

A follow-up consultation will usually take place shortly after your new consultation for example to assess the success of your treatment or the results of investigations. Most follow-up consultations take place within six months of a new consultation.

A Minor Surgery Appointment

An appointment is scheduled for 30 minutes or more and usually takes place at a different time from your consultation. You may need to contact your insurance company in the interim to ensure cover for any procedures and this may require completion of a claim form.  

For non-urgent procedures, please consider the timing of any special events or holidays as skin wounds may take several weeks to heal and may require non-absorbable sutures (which will need removal).



Investigations including blood tests, skin swabs and histology of skin samples and the use injected medication or surgical equipment for minor operations will incur a separate charge which is payable to the hospital or clinic. The fee schedule for these investigations is set by the hospital or clinic and is currently available on request.  

Private Prescription

Prescribed medication is prescribed as a hand written private prescription which can be dispensed at your local pharmacy or sometimes within the hospital.

Unlike a NHS prescription where there is a standard charge per item irrespective of its cost, with a private prescription, you will be charged the retail price of individual items which may be considerably more than the NHS charge.

Many NHS General Practitioners specify that they will not convert private prescriptions to NHS prescriptions and their prescribing choice may also be restricted to medication on the North West London Formulary.    


A ‘New Consultation’ denotes a consultation for all new patients who have not seen Dr Wakelin previously and for patients who have been seen previously but have a new skin complaint. This is the definition which will usually be accepted by medical insurance companies.